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 Cuisine » Middle East » Lebanon (44 recipes)

Delicious recipes brought from the Lebanese table to yours:

 Recipe Name Main Ingredient
Baked Kibbeh                  Lamb & Mutton , Wheat , Oil
Beet - Yogurt Salad                  Beet , Yogurt , Horseradish
Bread - Vegetable Salad                  Bread , Parsley , Mint
Eggplant Salad                  Eggplant , Sesame , Lemon
Fried Vegetable Turnovers                  Spinach , Flour , Walnut
Lebanese Chick Peas                  Peas , Lemon , Parsley
Lebanese Meatballs                  Lamb & Mutton , Onion , Flour
Lebanese Salad Dish                  Wheat , Parsley , Scallions
Mint And Parsley Salad                  Mint , Parsley , Wheat
Raw Kibbeh                  Lamb & Mutton , Wheat , Mint
Seasoned Aubergine                  Eggplant , Garlic , Lemon
Spinach Turnovers                  Spinach , Onion , Bread
Stuffed Grape Leaves                  Grape & Raisin , Lamb & Mutton , Rice
Stuffed Vine Leaves                  Grape & Raisin , Rice , Tomato
Tabbouleh                  Wheat , Tomato , Parsley
The Dervish's Rosary                  Potato , Eggplant , Squash
Yogurt And Cucumber Salad                  Yogurt , Cucumber , Mint
Cream Of Vegetable Marrow Soup Squash , Milk , Flour
Fried Marrow Stew                  Squash , Lamb & Mutton , Tomato
Lebanese Rice Pilaf                  Rice , Noodle , Spaghetti
Lentils And Rice                  Lentil , Rice , Onion
Okra And Lamb Stew                  Okra , Lamb & Mutton , Beans
Rice And Spinach                  Rice , Spinach
Rice, Aubergine And Meat Casserole Lamb & Mutton , Eggplant , Rice
Stew With Meat And Vegetables                  Lamb & Mutton , Beans , Eggplant
Bread With Zartar                  Oil , Bread , Sesame
Eggs In Oil With Sumac                  Egg , Oil
Aubergines With Meat                  Eggplant , Lamb & Mutton , Tomato
Barbecued Chicken Lebanese                  Chicken , Honey , Oil
Fish And Rice                  Rice , Whitefish , Cod
Fried Stuffed Marrows                  Squash , Lamb & Mutton
Green Peas With Meat                  Peas , Lamb & Mutton , Tomato
Koubbeh In A Tray                  Lamb & Mutton , Wheat , Butter
Lebanese Shish Kebab                  Lamb & Mutton , Onion , Garlic
Meat And Cheese Balls                  Lamb & Mutton , Cheese , Onion
Mutton, Rice And Chick Peas                  Lamb & Mutton , Rice , Peas
Savoury Meat Balls With Rice                  Lamb & Mutton , Rice , Tomato
Stuffed Sweet Peppers                  Pepper , Lamb & Mutton , Tomato
The Fainting Old Man                  Lamb & Mutton , Eggplant , Corn
Yoghourt With Meat                  Yogurt , Lamb & Mutton , Onion
Spice Pudding                  Rice , Ginger
Iced Almond Cakes                  Flour , Almond , Butter
Semolina Cakes                  Flour , Walnut , Lard & Fat
Walnut Wafer Biscuits                  Flour , Walnut , Butter

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