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 Main Ingredient » Mushrooms (166 recipes)

Quick and easy recipes using Mushroom from over the world:

| B | C | D | E | F | G | H | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | V | W | Z |
 Recipe Name Dish Cuisine
  B         back to top
 Bacon Fricassee                    Side Dishes Poland
 Baked Mushrooms                    Appetizers Finland
 Baked Rice                    Side Dishes Greece
 Baked Sole                    Appetizers Hungary
 Baked Stuffed Mushroom Caps                    Appetizers France
 Baked Trout                    Main Courses Austria
 Baked Trout With Mushrooms                    Main Courses Italy
 Barley And Mushroom Casserole                    Stew Scotland
 Basque Sauce                    Sauces & Condiments Spain
 Beef Rolls With Sour-Cream Sauce Stew Poland
 Beef Stew With Red Wine                    Stew France
 Beef Stroganoff                    Main Courses Russia
 Bernese Ham Flan                    Breakfast Dishes Switzerland
 Bodil's Pork Speciality                    Main Courses Denmark
 Braised Beef Stuffed With Mushrooms Stew Poland
 Braised Chicken                    Stew Korea
 Braised Chinese Mushrooms Stuffed With Pork And Water Chestnuts Appetizers China
 Braised Fresh Beef Tongue With Mushroom Sauce Stew Philippines
 Braised Pork With Bean Curd Skin And Chinese Mushrooms Stew China
 Broiled Mushrooms                    Appetizers France
 Buckwheat Groats With Mushrooms And Onions Side Dishes Russia
  C         back to top
 Cardoon Salad                    Salads Italy
 Carpet - Bag Steak                    Main Courses Australia
 Catalan Sole                    Main Courses Spain
 Chicken - Artichoke Casserole                    Stew Greece
 Chicken - Mushroom Paprikash                    Main Courses Hungary
 Chicken - Stuffed Mushrooms                    Appetizers France
 Chicken And Ham On Rusks With Mushroom And Bearnaise Sauces Main Courses Creole
 Chicken And Mushrooms                    Appetizers Brazil
 Chicken And Rice With Mushrooms Side Dishes Japan
 Chicken Casserole                    Stew Bahamas
 Chicken In Wine                    Main Courses France
 Chicken Simmered In Red Wine With Onions And Mushrooms Main Courses France
 Chicken Souvlakia                    Main Courses Greece
 Chicken With Long Rice                    Main Courses Hawaii
 Chicken With Mushrooms                    Main Courses Poland
 Chicken With Mushrooms                    Main Courses Romania
 Chinese Snow Pea - Mushroom Salad Salads USA
 Clear Clam Soup With Mushrooms Soup Japan
 Crawfish Thermidor                    Appetizers Bahamas
 Cream Of Mushroom Soup                    Soup France
 Creamed Green Beans & Mushrooms Side Dishes Sweden
 Creamed Mushrooms On Toast                    Appetizers Switzerland
 Curried Vegetable Salad                    Salads Vietnam
  D         back to top
 Deep - Fried Crab Rolls                    Appetizers Vietnam
 Deep - Fried Shrimp And Vegetables In Batter Appetizers Japan
 Dried Mushroom Pudding                    Pudding Poland
  E         back to top
 Egg Barley                    Side Dishes Israel
  F         back to top
 Filled French Pancakes                    Breakfast Dishes France
 Fillet Of Beef Strips With Onions, Mushrooms And Peppers Main Courses Hungary
 Filleted Perch                    Appetizers Switzerland
 Fillets Of Sole With Mushroom And Wine Sauce Main Courses France
 Fish In Sweet - Sour Sauce                    Appetizers Hungary
 Flemish Steaks                    Main Courses Belgium
 Fresh Mushroom Salad                    Salads Finland
 Fried Mushrooms In Sour Cream                    Side Dishes Finland
  G         back to top
 Game Pie                    Pie & Tart England
 German Vegetable Salad                    Salads Germany
 Gigot With Turnip Purry                    Main Courses Scotland
 Green Peas And Mushrooms                    Side Dishes India
 Grilled Mushrooms                    Side Dishes Spain
 Grilled Severn Salmon                    Appetizers England
 Gundel's Salad                    Salads Hungary
  H         back to top
 Ham Salad Platter                    Salads Russia
  L         back to top
 Lancashire Hot – Pot                    Main Courses England
 Leek - Mushroom Salad                    Salads Romania
  M         back to top
 Marchand De Vin Sauce                    Sauces & Condiments Creole
 Marinated Mushrooms                    Marinades & Pickles Italy
 Marinated Mushrooms                    Marinades & Pickles France
 Marinated Shrimp                    Appetizers Greece
 Marvelous Mushroom Aspic                    Side Dishes Russia
 Mixed Rice And Vegetables                    Side Dishes Japan
 Mushroom And Asparagus Salad                    Salads Hungary
 Mushroom And Barley Soup                    Soup Poland
 Mushroom And Barley Soup                    Soup Poland
 Mushroom Omelet                    Breakfast Dishes Spain
 Mushroom Phyllo Triangles                    Appetizers Greece
 Mushroom Sauce For Boiled Beef Sauces & Condiments Austria
 Mushrooms and Onions in Sour Cream Appetizers USA
 Mushrooms In Madeira Sauce                    Side Dishes France
 Mushrooms In Sour Cream                    Appetizers France
 Mushrooms In Sour Cream                    Appetizers Hungary
 Mushrooms Parmesan                    Appetizers Italy
 Mushrooms Sauteed In Wine                    Appetizers France
 Mushrooms With Cream Sauce                    Side Dishes Romania
 Mushrooms With Sour Cream                    Side Dishes Poland
 Mushrooms With Tomatoes And Bacon Appetizers Germany
 Mutton Saucer Pies                    Pie & Tart England
 Mutton With Mushrooms                    Main Courses Syria
  N         back to top
 Noodles With Mushroom Sauce                    Side Dishes Paraguay
  O         back to top
 Old-Fashioned Chicken Fricessee Main Courses France
 Oysters Bienville                    Appetizers Creole
 Oysters Roffignac                    Appetizers Creole
  P         back to top
 Pan - Broiled Duck And Vegetables With Dipping Sauce Main Courses Japan
 Pancakes With Mushrooms                    Breakfast Dishes Poland
 Partridge Pudding                    Pudding England
 Pearl Balls                    Main Courses China
 Pheasant In Red Wine                    Main Courses Germany
 Pickled Mushrooms                    Marinades & Pickles Russia
 Pigeon Casserole                    Main Courses Creole
 Polenta With Cream Sauce And Mushrooms Side Dishes Italy
 Pork Soup                    Soup Czech Republic
  R         back to top
 Raw Mushroom Salad                    Salads Italy
 Raw Mushroom Salad                    Salads Italy
 Red - Cooked Pork Shoulder                    Main Courses China
 Rice - Mushroom Salad                    Salads Spain
 Rice - Stuffed Tomatoes                    Appetizers Italy
 Rice And Mushrooms                    Side Dishes Korea
 Rice, Mushroom, And Chicken - Liver Stuffing Sauces & Condiments France
 Roast Carp With Mushroom Sauce Main Courses Russia
 Roast Spring Lamb                    Main Courses France
 Roast Veal Assisi                    Main Courses Italy
 Rolled Stuffed Leg Of Lamb                    Main Courses Greece
 Rolled Sushi With Shiitake                    Appetizers Japan
  S         back to top
 Salade Forestiere                    Salads France
 Salmon A La King                    Breakfast Dishes Canada
 Sand Dab Or Rex Sole En Papillote Main Courses USA
 Sauce Provencale                    Sauces & Condiments France
 Sauerkraut Soup                    Soup Poland
 Sauerkraut With Mushrooms                    Side Dishes Poland
 Sauteed Beef With Mushrooms And Onions In Sour - Cream Sauce Stew Russia
 Sauteed Chicken With Cream Sauce Main Courses France
 Sauteed Mushrooms                    Side Dishes Czech Republic
 Sauteed Rice With Dried Black Mushrooms Side Dishes Haiti
 Savoury Pasty                    Pie & Tart Poland
 Savoury Tart                    Pie & Tart Malta
 Scallop And Mushroom Pie                    Pie & Tart Ireland
 Scallops With Mushrooms In White Wine Sauce Appetizers France
 Slippery Mushrooms With "Sleet" Dressing Appetizers Japan
 Sour - And - Hot Soup                    Soup China
 Speckled Trout Marguery                    Main Courses Creole
 Steak - And - Kidney Pie                    Pie & Tart England
 Steamed Chicken, Mushroom And Ginkgo Nut Packages Appetizers Japan
 Steamed Crabmeat Dumplings                    Appetizers China
 Stir - Fried Chicken With Fresh Mushrooms Main Courses China
 Stir - Fried Lotus Root, Chinese Mushrooms And Bamboo Shoots Appetizers China
 Stir - Fried Snow Peas With Chinese Mushrooms And Bamboo Shoots Appetizers China
 Stuffed Bean Curd                    Main Courses Vietnam
 Stuffed Breast Of Veal                    Main Courses Austria
 Stuffed Mushrooms                    Appetizers China
 Stuffed Shoulder Of Veal                    Main Courses Israel
 Sturgeon Or Sterlet A La Russe Appetizers Russia
 Sunday Chicken                    Main Courses Bahamas
 Sweetbreads And Ham Under Glass Main Courses USA
 Sweetbreads En Brochette                    Bread France
  T         back to top
 Tapas                    Appetizers Spain
 Tenderloin A La Krejcik                    Main Courses Poland
 Tessin Mushroom Risotto                    Appetizers Switzerland
 Tiny Dumplings Filled With Mushrooms - "Little Ears" Appetizers Poland
 Treasure - Ship Pumpkin, Filled With Shrimp, Mushrooms And Vegetables Salads Japan
 Trout Stuffed With Mushrooms                    Main Courses Italy
 Turkey - Mushroom Salad                    Salads Czech Republic
  V         back to top
 Veal Cutlets                    Main Courses Hungary
 Veal Cutlets Three Crowns                    Main Courses Italy
 Veal Cutlets With Mushrooms                    Main Courses Austria
 Veal Rolls                    Main Courses Russia
 Veal Scaloppine Marsala                    Main Courses Italy
 Veal Tongue, Sweetbreads And Mushrooms In White Wine Sauce Main Courses Germany
 Veal With Mushrooms                    Main Courses Hungary
 Vegetable Salad Platter                    Salads England
 Venison Cutlets With Mushrooms Main Courses Germany
 Vinegared Rice And Vegetables Rolled In Seaweed Appetizers Japan
  W         back to top
 Wild Rice With Mushrooms                    Side Dishes USA
 Winter Melon Soup                    Soup China
  Z         back to top
 Zurich Minced Veal                    Main Courses Switzerland
 Zurich Mushroom Tartlets                    Appetizers Switzerland

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