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  Added: Apr 10, 2006  •  Visited (393)  •  Print version Print this recipe (54)  •  eMail recipe eMail recipe  •  Write review  •  Not rated Rate this recipe
Whiskey Highball
What You Need:
  • 2 ounces whiskey
  • 2 ice cubes
  • 4 to 6 ounces cold club soda or ginger ale
  • A 6- to 8-ounce highball glass

  • How To Cook:
    1. A highball may be defined as a tall iced drink consisting of a generous jigger (or more) of whiskey, ice cubes and enough carbonated beverage to nearly fill the highball glass.

    2. Use a glass stirring rod to stir quickly and lightly. It is advisable to make a medium highball of 6 to 8 ounces rather than a taller one, because the ice melts and dilutes the drink as it stands.

    3. The most popular combinations for highballs are bourbon and club soda, Scotch and club soda, and blended whiskey (also called rye) and ginger ale or club soda.

    NOTE: Bourbon and Scotch are often preferred with cold water instead of club soda.
    To make 1 highball
     This recipe is also available in:
    Drinks / Cocktails » Alcohol » Whiskey


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