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  Added: Apr 11, 2006  •  Visited (3036)  •  Print version Print this recipe (561)  •  eMail recipe eMail recipe (2)  •  Write review  •  Not rated Rate this recipe
Spicy Tripe - And - Pig's Feet Soup
What You Need:
  • 3 pounds tripe, thoroughly defrosted if frozen, cut into 1-inch squares
  • 3 medium-sized onions, peeled and quartered
  • 8 whole black peppercorns
  • 1 tablespoon plus 2 teaspoons salt
  • 6 quarts cold water plus 1 quart boiling water
  • 3 pounds fresh pig's feet, sawed (not chopped) into 3-inch pieces
  • 6 dried ancho chilies
  • 4 dried hot red chilies, each about 2 inches long
  • 6 large garlic cloves, peeled
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • A 1-pound 4-ounce can of hominy, drained
  • 1 tablespoon strained fresh lemon juice

  • How To Cook:
    1. Place the tripe, two of the quartered onions, the peppercorns and 1 tablespoon of the salt in a heavy 7- to 8-quart casserole and pour in 4 quarts of the cold water.

    2. Bring to a boil over high heat, meanwhile skimming off the scum and foam as they rise to the surface. Reduce the heat to its lowest setting, cover the casserole partially and simmer for 3˝ hours, or until the tripe is tender.

    3. At the same time, combine the pig's feet, the remaining quartered onion, the remaining 2 teaspoons of salt and 2 quarts of cold water in another large heavy pot.

    4. Bring to a boil over high heat, skimming off the surface scum and foam, then reduce the heat to its lowest setting and simmer partially covered for 3˝ hours, or until the pig's feet are tender.

    5. While the tripe and pig's feet are simmering, prepare the chilies in the following manner: Under cold running water, pull the stems off the ancho and red chilies. Tear the chilies in half and brush out their seeds.

    6. Crumble the chilies coarsely, drop them into a bowl, and pour the 1 quart of boiling water over them. Let the chilies soak for at least 30 minutes, then drain them through a fine sieve set over a bowl and reserve the soaking water as well as the chilies.

    7. Drain the tripe and pig's feet in a fine sieve or colander set over a deep bowl. Pick out and discard the onion quarters and peppercorns, then measure and reserve 9 cups of the combined cooking liquid.

    8. If there is less than 9 cups, add enough of the chili soaking liquid to make that amount. Return the tripe to its casserole and transfer the pig's feet to a plate.

    9. With a small sharp knife cut the pig's feet meat away from the bones. Remove and discard the fat, gristle and skin and cut the meat into small pieces. Add the pieces of pig's feet meat to the tripe.

    10. Combine the 'chilies, garlic, oregano and 1 cup of the reserved cooking liquid in the jar of an electric blender and blend at high speed for 30 seconds.

    11. Turn off the machine, scrape down the sides of the jar with a rubber spatula and blend again until the chili mixture is a smooth puree.

    12. Add the chili puree and the remaining 8 cups of reserved cooking liquid to the meats. Stir in the hominy and bring to a simmer over moderate heat. Reduce the heat to its lowest setting and simmer gently, partially covered, for 30 minutes.

    13. Stir in the lemon juice and taste for seasoning. Ladle the menudo into a heated tureen or individual soup plates and serve at once. Or, if you prefer, cool it to room temperature, cover tightly and refrigerate.

    14. Then reheat it briefly before serving. Menudo is traditionally served as amidnight supper or in the morning following a late party.
    Serving Size: 8 to 12
     This recipe is also available in:
    Cuisine » Americas » Mexican
    Main Ingredient » Meat & Poultry » Tripe
    Main Ingredient » Meat & Poultry » Pork
    Dish » Soup


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