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  Added: Apr 11, 2006  •  Visited (472)  •  Print version Print this recipe (58)  •  eMail recipe eMail recipe  •  Write review  •  Not rated Rate this recipe
Stuffed Beef Roll
(Farsu Magru)
What You Need:
  • 1 whole egg
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 2 slices French or Italian bread, torn into tiny pieces
  • ¼ pound lean veal, ground twice
  • 2 tablespoons freshly grated imported Parmesan cheese
  • 1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh parsley
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • ¼ pound Italian salami, cut into 1-by-¼-inch julienne strips
  • 2 ounces provolone cheese, cut into 1-by-¼-inch julienne strips
  • 2 hard-cooked eggs, quartered
  • A three-pound slice of round steak, cut 1 inch thick, trimmed
  • ¼ inch thick
  • ¼ cup olive oil
  • ½ cup finely chopped onions
  • 1 teaspoon finely chopped garlic
  • 1 cup dry red wine
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 4 cups canned Italian plum or whole-pack tomatoes, chopped but not drained (a 2-pound 3-ounce can)
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste

    How To Cook:
    1. In a large mixing bowl, stir the egg, egg yolks and pieces of bread together until they are well mixed. With a spoon beat in the ground veal, grated cheese, parsley, salt and a few grindings of pepper.

    2. Spread the found steak out flat on a table (if you are using two small steaks, overlap them on their long side by about 1 inch). With a small metal spatula or knife, spread the stuffing mixture evenly over the steak.

    3. Arrange the julienne strips of salami and provolone and the quartered eggs on the stuffing, pressing them lightly into place.

    4. Starting from one long edge of the steak, carefully roll it up like a jelly roll. It will look like a long salami. With short lengths of string, tie the roll together crosswise in at least 5 or 6 places to keep it in shape.

    5. Preheat the oven to 325°F. To cook the beef roll, you will need a heavy flameproof casserole or baking pan that has a cover and is large enough to hold the beef roll comfortably.

    6. Pour in the olive oil and heat it until a light haze forms over it. Brown the beef roll in the hot oil, turning it with 2 spoons until it is richly colored on all sides.

    7. Remove the beef and set it aside on a plate. Discard almost all of the fat from the casserole, leaving just a thin film on the bottom.

    8. Add the onions and garlic and cook them over moderateheat, stirring frequently, for 8 to 10 minutes, or until they are soft and lightly colored.

    9. Pour in the wine and boil it briskly over high heat to reduce it to ½ cup, stirring constantly and scraping in any browned fragments that cling to the casserole.

    10. Return the beef roll to the casserole and add the bay leaf. Force the tomatoes and tomato paste through a sieve or food mill directly into the casserole.

    11. With this addition, the liquid should now come about 2/3 of the way up the side of the roll; add more beef broth or water if necessary.

    12. Bring to a boil over high heat, drape a strip of aluminum foil over the beef roll and cover the casserole. Cook on the middle shelf of the oven for about 1½ hours, or until the meat is tender when pierced with the tip of a sharp knife.

    13. Transfer the beef roll to a carving board and strain the sauce from the casserole through a sieve or food mill into a small saucepan.

    14. Skim it of most of its fat, then boil the sauce over high heat, stirring constantly, until it is thick enough to coat a spoon heavily.

    15. Cut the strings from the beef, carve the roll into 1-inch slices and arrange these attractively on a heated platter. Spoon the sauce over and around the beef.
    Serving Size: 6 to 8
     This recipe is also available in:
    Cuisine » Europe » Italy
    Main Ingredient » Meat & Poultry » Beef
    Main Ingredient » Vegetables » Tomatoes
    Dish » Main Course


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