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  Added: Jul 27, 2006  •  Visited (797)  •  Print version Print this recipe (76)  •  eMail recipe eMail recipe  •  Write review  •  Not rated Rate this recipe
Apricot Slips
What You Need:
  • 1 egg white combined with 1 teaspoon water
  • Coarse sugar
  • 1 tablespoon soft butter
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • ½ cup apricot preserve, rubbed through a sieve
  • ¼ Danish pastry dough

  • How To Cook:
    1. Preheat the oven to 400°F. Cook the apricot preserve in a 1-quart enameled or stainless-steel saucepan over low heat, stirring almost constantly, until it has reduced to about 6 tablespoons. Set aside to cool.

    2. On a floured surface, roll the dough into a 10-by-18-inchrectangle. With a pastry wheel or small, sharp knife, trim away its ragged edges. Using a spatula or the back of a spoon, spread half of the dough lengthwise with the apricot preserve.

    3. Carefully fold over the other half of the dough to form a long envelope. Dust the top with flour, place a sheet of wax paper on top, and, with a rolling pin, roll the dough gently to press in the filling.

    4. Peel off the wax paper and cut through the dough at 2-inch intervals, making 9 pastries 2 by 5 inches in size. With a small, sharp knife, make a 3-inch slit in the center of each pastry, leaving 1 inch unslit on either side.

    5. Bend one uncut end of the strip under the slit and, with your finger, push it up through the pastry to make a bow-tie-like shape. Lightly grease a cookie sheet with 1 tablespoon of butter and sprinkle it with flour, tapping off any excess flour.

    6. Set the pastries on the cookie sheet and brush them with the egg white and water. Sprinkle with sugar and bake 10 minutes.

    7. Reduce the heat to 350°F and bake another 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and, with a wide spatula, transfer to a cake rack to cool.

    To Make: 9 pastries
    This recipe is also available in:
    Cuisine » Europe » Denmark
    Main Ingredient » Grains & Cereals » Flour
    Main Ingredient » Fruits » Apricot
    Dish » Cake & Muffins


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