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  Added: Jul 27, 2006  •  Visited (1709)  •  Print version Print this recipe (123)  •  eMail recipe eMail recipe  •  Write review  •  Not rated Rate this recipe
Finnish Bread
What You Need:
  • 4 packages or cakes of active dry or compressed yeast
  • 3 teaspoons dark brown sugar
  • cups lukewarm water
  • 1 tablespoon melted butter
  • 1½ teaspoons salt
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1½ cups rye flour
  • 1 tablespoon soft butter

  • How To Cook:
    1. Sprinkle the yeast and 1 teaspoon of the brown sugar over ¼ cup of the lukewarm water. Be absolutely sure that the water is lukewarm-neither too hot nor too cool to the touch. Let the mixture stand for 2 or 3 minutes, then stir it to dissolve the yeast completely.

    2. Set the cup aside in a warm, draft-free spot (such as an unlighted oven) for 5 to 7 minutes or until the mixture has begun to bubble and has almost doubled in volume.

    3. Pour the yeast mixture into a large mixing bowl, add the remaining cup of lukewarm water and, with a wooden spoon, mix in the remaining 2 teaspoons of brown sugar, the melted butter, salt, white flour and 1 cup of the rye flour.

    4. When the mixture forms smooth dough, gather it into a ball, cover the bowl loosely with a kitchen towel and let it rest at room temperature for about 10 minutes.

    5. Transfer the dough to a floured pastry cloth or board and knead it by pulling the dough into an oblong shape, folding it end to end, then pressing it down and pushing it forward several times with the heels of your hands.

    6. Turn the dough slightly toward you and repeat the process-pulling, folding, pushing and pressing. Continue to knead; using the extra ½ cup of rye flour to sprinkle over the dough and pastry board or cloth if either becomes sticky.

    7. When the dough is elastic and smooth, gather it into a rough ball and place it in a large, lightly buttered bowl. Dust the top of the dough lightly with flour, cover it again with the kitchen towel and let it rest in the warm, draft-free spot (the oven, again) for about 45 minutes, until it has doubled in bulk and no longer springs back when it is poked with a finger.

    8. Preheat the oven to 375°F. With a pastry brush or paper towel, lightly spread a cookie sheet with the tablespoon of soft butter and sprinkle it with flour, tipping the sheet to coat it evenly.

    9. Turn it over and tap it on a hard surface to knock off any excess flour. Punch the dough down with your fist, and knead it again briefly on the pastry board. Shape it into a round, flat loaf about 9 or 10 inches in diameter, and set on the cookie sheet.

    10. Bake 1 hour, or until the bread has a dark-brown crust and a toothpick or skewer inserted in its center comes out dry and clean. Remove to a cake rack to cool, and serve, if possible, while still warm.

    To Make: 1 loaf
    This recipe is also available in:
    Cuisine » Europe » Finland
    Main Ingredient » Grains & Cereals » Flour
    Dish » Bread


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