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  Added: Sep 23, 2006  •  Visited (519)  •  Print version Print this recipe (62)  •  eMail recipe eMail recipe  •  Write review  •  Not rated Rate this recipe
Lion's Head
(Shih - Tzu - Tou)
Because the large pork balls are said to suggest the heads of lions and the cabbage served with them their manes, this dish is fancifully known as "Lion's Head".

What You Need:
  • 1 pound boneless pork, finely ground
  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon Chinese rice wine, or pale dry sherry
  • 1 scallion, including the green top, finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon finely chopped, peeled fresh ginger root
  • 4 water chestnuts, finely chopped
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten
  • 3 tablespoons cornstarch dissolved in
  • 2 tablespoons chicken stock, fresh or canned, or cold water
  • 1 pound Chinese cabbage (celery cabbage or bok choy)
  • 2 tablespoons peanut oil, or flavorless vegetable oil
  • ½ tea-spoon sugar
  • ½ cup chicken stock, fresh or canned

  • How To Cook:
    1. With a large spoon or your hands, mix together thoroughly the pork, 2 tablespoons of the soy sauce, wine, scallion, ginger, water chestnuts, egg and 1 tablespoon of the cornstarch mixture. Shape the meat mixture lightly into 4 to 6 balls. Set aside.

    2. With a cleaver or sharp knife, trim the wilted ends from the cabbage and cut off the root end. Separate the stalks and wash under cold running water. Cut each stalk in two lengthwise, then slice the pieces crosswise at 3-inch intervals.

    3. Have the above ingredients, and the remaining cornstarch mixture and soy sauce, the oil, sugar and stock within easy reach.

    TO COOK:
    1. Arrange half the cabbage in a layer on the bottom of a 2- to 3- quart heavy flameproof casserole. Set a 10-inch skillet over high heat for about 30 seconds.

    2. Pour in 2 tablespoons of oil, swirl it about in the pan and heat for another 30 seconds, turning the heat down to moderate if the oil begins to smoke. Give the cornstarch mixture a quick stir to recombine it.

    3. One at a time, dip the meatballs into the cornstarch, coating them thoroughly, and put them at once into the skillet. Fry the meatballs, turning them only once with a large spoon, for 2 minutes, or until they are golden brown on both sides.

    4. Gently remove them from the pan and place them on the bed of cabbage. Arrange the remaining cabbage over them. Mix the sugar, the remaining tablespoon of soy sauce and ½ up of chicken stock together and pour it into the casserole.

    5. Bring to a boil over high heat, then cover the casserole tightly, reduce the heat to its lowest point and simmer for about an hour. Check after about a half hour to make certain all the liquid hasn't cooked away. If it has, add ¼ cup of chicken stock or water.

    6. Serve from the casserole or arrange the cabbage mixture on a heated platter with the meatballs on top and pour the pan juices over them.

    To Serve: 4 to 6, depending on the number of pork balls.
    This recipe is also available in:
    Cuisine » Asia » China
    Main Ingredient » Meat & Poultry » Pork
    Main Ingredient » Vegetables » Cabbage
    Dish » Main Courses


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