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  Added: Oct 09, 2006  •  Visited (556)  •  Print version Print this recipe (74)  •  eMail recipe eMail recipe  •  Write review  •  Not rated Rate this recipe
Liver Dumplings
What You Need:
  • 2 slices stale white bread (including crusts)
  • ¼ cup milk
  • ¼ pound chicken livers
  • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter
  • ¼ cup finely chopped onion
  • 2 egg whites
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon finely chopped parsley
  • ½ to 1 cup dry bread crumbs

  • How To Cook:
    1. Soak the bread slices in the milk for about 5 minutes, then squeeze them dry. Run the bread and chicken livers together through a meat grinder into a mixing bowl, or chop them together finely with a sharp knife.

    2. In a heavy 10- or 12-inch skillet, melt the butter. When the foam subsides, add the onions. Cook them for about 8 minutes, or until they are lightly colored, then add them to the bread-and-liver mixture.

    3. Stir in the egg whites, salt, a few grindings of pepper and the parsley. Add ½ cup bread crumbs, mix, then form 1 tablespoon of the mixture into a little ball.

    4. If it is too soft to hold together firmly, add more bread crumbs by the tablespoon. Dust your hands lightly with flour and form all the mixture into balls about 1 inch in diameter.

    5. Bring to a boil the soup in which the dumplings are to be cooked, reduce the heat to medium and drop in the dumplings. Boil, uncovered, until the dumplings rise to the surface. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 2 or 3 minutes longer.

    6. Serve "Leberknodel" in the soup they were cooked in, 5 to a portion.

    To Make: 30 to 35 small dumplings
    This recipe is also available in:
    Cuisine » Europe » Austria
    Main Ingredient » Meat & Poultry » Chicken
    Dish » Appetizers


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