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  Added: Nov 02, 2006  •  Visited (1228)  •  Print version Print this recipe (85)  •  eMail recipe eMail recipe  •  Write review  •  Not rated Rate this recipe
Boiled Meats, Chicken And Vegetables
(Cozido A Portuguesa)
What You Need:
  • 1 cup dried chick-peas (garbanzos)
  • 3 pounds beef rump or round
  • A 1-pound smoked ham hock
  • Salt
  • 4 quarts water
  • 1 large onion, peeled and quartered
  • ½ pound garlic seasoned smoked pork sausage
  • A 1½-to 2-pound chicken, cut into 6 to 8 serving pieces
  • 4 medium-sized sweet potatoes, peeled and halved
  • 4 medium-sized boiling potatoes, peeled and halved
  • 3 medium-sized white turnips, peeled and cut lengthwise into quarters
  • 4 medium-sized carrots, scraped and cut lengthwise into halves
  • 1 medium-sized white cabbage, cut in half lengthwise, cored and sliced into 8 wedges
  • 4 cups coarsely chopped turnip greens
  • 1 cup raw medium or long-grain regular-milled rice or imported short-grain rice
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley

  • How To Cook:
    1. Starting a day ahead, wash the chick-peas in a sieve under cold running water, then place them in a pan or bowl and add enough cold water to cover them by 2 inches. Soak at room temperature for at least 12 hours.

    2. In a heavy 8- to 10-quart casserole, combine the beef, ham hock and 1 teaspoon of salt. Pour in enough water to cover the meat by 2 inches, and bring to a boil over high heat, meanwhile skimming off the foam and scum as they rise to the surface.

    3. Reduce the heat to low, add the onion, partially cover the pan, and simmer for 2 hours. Drain the chick-peas and add them. Simmer partially covered for 1hour longer. The meats should always be covered with the liquid. Replenish it when necessary with boiling water.

    4. Meanwhile, place the sausages in a small skillet and prick them in two or three places with the point of a knife. Add enough cold water to cover them completely and bring to a boil over high heat. Then reduce the heat to low and simmer uncovered for 5 minutes. Drain on paper towels.

    5. With a ladle, transfer 2 cups of the meat and chick-pea broth to a heavy 1-to 1½-quart saucepan and set it aside. Add the sausages, chicken, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, turnips and carrots to the casserole, cover and simmer for 40 minutes. Add the cabbage and turnip greens and cook 20 to 30 minutes longer, or until the meat and all the vegetables are tender.

    6. Meanwhile bring the reserved 2 cups of broth to a boil over high heat. Stirring constantly, pour in the rice, add 1 teaspoon of salt and reduce the heat to low. Cover tightly and cook for 20 minutes, or until the rice has absorbed all the broth. Add more salt and pepper to taste.

    7. To serve, transfer the chicken and meat to a carving board. With a small, sharp knife, remove the skin and bones of the chicken and trim any pieces of meat from the ham hock. Cut the beef and sausages into ¼-inch-thick slices.

    8. Arrange the meats and vegetables on a heated platter and moisten them with a few spoonfuls of the cooking liquid. Sprinkle with parsley and serve accompanied by the rice. (Serve the cooking broth as a first course or reserve it for use in such soups as sopa da panela.)

    To Serve: 8
    This recipe is also available in:
    Cuisine » Europe » Portugal
    Main Ingredient » Meat & Poultry » Beef
    Main Ingredient » Meat & Poultry » Chicken
    Main Ingredient » Vegetables » Turnip
    Dish » Appetizers


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