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  Added: May 17, 2007  •  Visited (496)  •  Print version Print this recipe (76)  •  eMail recipe eMail recipe  •  Write review  •  Not rated Rate this recipe
Chocolate Cake With Hazelnuts
What You Need:
  • 8 ounces shelled hazelnuts
  • ½ pound unsweetened baking chocolate, grated fine
  • 1 teaspoon butter, softened
  • ¾ cup plus 2 tablespoons flour
  • ½ pound unsalted butter (2 sticks), softened
  • 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons superfine sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 7 egg yolks
  • 7 egg whites
  • A pinch of salt

  • ¾ cup sugar
  • 1/3 cup water
  • 7 ounces semisweet baking chocolate, cut into small pieces
  • 1 tablespoon strong, freshly brewed coffee

  • How To Cook:
    1. Preheat the oven to 400°F. Spread the hazelnuts in a baking pan and toast for 15 minutes, turning them occasionally. Remove the pan from the oven and reduce the heat to 250°F.

    2. While the hazelnuts are hot, rub them between kitchen towels to remove the skins. Chop 1 cup of the nuts fine and set them aside. Pulverize the rest in a blender or with a nut grinder or mortar and pestle. Stir them together with the grated unsweetened chocolate.

    3. With a pastry brush and 1 teaspoon of softened butter, coat the bottom and sides of an 8-inch spring form cake pan. Sprinkle the pan with 2 tablespoons of the flour and tip it from side to side to coat it evenly. Then invert the pan and rap it sharply to remove the excess flour. Set aside.

    4. Cream the remaining ½ pound of butter, 1 cup of sugar and 1 teaspoon of the flour by mashing and beating them against the sides of the bowl with a large spoon. Then add the vanilla and beat in the egg yolks, one at a time.

    5. Combine the remaining flour with the nut-and-chocolate mixture, and beat in the butter-and-sugar mixture, a few tablespoons at a time. Continue to beat until the batter is smooth.

    6. Place the egg whites and a pinch of salt in a separate bowl and beat with a whisk or a rotary or electric beater until they form firm unwavering peaks on the beater when it is lifted from the bowl.

    7. With a rubber spatula, gently but thoroughly fold the egg whites into the batter, using an over-under cutting motion rather than a stirring motion. Pour the batter into the cake pan and sprinkle the top evenly with the remaining 2 tablespoons of sugar.

    8. Bake in the middle of the 250°F oven for 1 hour and 15 minutes or until the sugar on top forms a crisp crust. Let the cake cool for 5 minutes. Then remove the sides of the pan and slide the cake off the base to a rack to cool completely.

    1. To prepare the icing, combine ¾ cup of sugar with the water, semisweet chocolate and coffee in a heavy 1- to l½- quart saucepan.

    2. Cook over moderate heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture is smooth. Do not let it boil. Set the icing aside to cool briefly.

    3. Then transfer the cake to a serving plate and immediately spread the top and sides with icing.

    4. While the icing is still soft, press the reserved chopped nuts into the sides of the cake.

    To Make: one 8-inch round cake
    This recipe is also available in:
    Cuisine » Europe » England
    Main Ingredient » Chocolate
    Main Ingredient » Nuts » Hazelnut
    Main Ingredient » Grains & Cereals » Flour
    Dish » Cake & Muffins


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