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  Added: Apr 25, 2011  •  Visited (291)  •  Print version Print this recipe (37)  •  eMail recipe eMail recipe  •  Write review  •  Not rated Rate this recipe
Christmas Pudding
What You Need:
  • 1¼ pound currants
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1¼ pound stoned raisins
  • 1 teaspoon grated nutmeg
  • 2 oz almonds
  • 1 teaspoon mixed spices
  • 4 oz candied peel
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 pound suet
  • 6 eggs
  • 1 pound white breadcrumbs
  • ¼ pint milk
  • Fat for greasing
  • ¼ pint brandy (or extra ¼ pint milk)
  • ¼ pound flour
  • 1½ pound dark brown sugar

  • How To Cook:
    1. Wash, dry and pick over currants and raisins; blanch and chop the almonds; remove the sugar from the peel and shred it finely.

    2. Grate the suet and chop any large pieces finely, then make the breadcrumbs. Grease 4 basins, also the covering papers and pudding cloths.

    3. Place all the prepared ingredients and the flour in a large bowl; add the sugar, salt, spices, grated lemon rind and juice, and mix thoroughly.

    4. Add the beaten eggs, with the milk and brandy, so that the mixture forms a soft dropping consistency. The flavor will be improved if the mixture can be left for several hours at this stage.

    5. Next three-quarters fill the 4 basins with the mixture; cover with greased paper or aluminum foil, and tie on pudding cloths securely, pinning or tying up the corners.

    6. Boil for 5 hours, replenishing with boiling water when necessary, or steam for 7 ½ hours. Remove the basins from the pans, and take off the pudding cloths when cool enough to handle.

    7. Allow the puddings to become quite cold, and cover them with a clean ungreased cloth, and then put them in a cool place.

    8. To heat and serve the puddings, cover as usual, tie on the cloths, and boil for 4 hours, or steam for 6 hours. Turn out on a hot dish and put a sprig of holly in the center.

    9. Serve with brandy butter, rum sauce, custard sauce or fresh cream whipped with a little caster sugar.

    1. When a pudding is to be cooked in a pressure cooker, include black treacle, browning or coffee essence.

    2. Place in a greased basin and cover.

    3. Put 2½ pints of boiling water in the pan, stand the basin on the rack and steam rapidly for ½ hour, then pressure-cook at 15 pound for 1½ hours, reducing the pressure slowly.

    4. Before serving, pressure-cook for 25-30 minutes at 15 lb.

    To Make: 4 puddings weighing 2 lb. each
    This recipe is also available in:
    Cuisine » Europe » England
    Dish » Pudding
    Main Ingredient » Berries » Currant
    Main Ingredient » Berries » Grape & Raisin
    Main Ingredient » Grains & Cereals » Bread


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