All Easy Recipes. Cook all that you can cook. Yogurt
Yiaourti (yogurt) is a type of soured milk made by adding a culture (fermented milk that is curdled to custard like consistency by lactic-acid-producing microorganisms) to fresh milk. The Greeks claim many benefits from yogurt, including cure for stomach ailments and dyspepsia as well as longevity.

What You Need:            (To Make: sixteen 4-ounce servings)
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  • 2 quarts whole milk
  • 4 tablespoons prepared plain yogurt

  • How To Cook:
    1. Bring milk to a boil, stirring so mixture does not stick to bottom of saucepan. Cook for about 30 minutes over medium heat. Stir occasionally.

    2. Remove from heat and allow cooling until your little finger can remain in the milk for about 20 seconds. Thin yogurt in a cup with a little of the milk and pour back into the milk. Stir until well blended.

    3. Pour into a large heavy bowl or into individual thick glass containers. Cover well and keep in a warm place for 6 to 8 hours or overnight, until yogurt is set.

    4. Cover with a double thickness of paper towels to absorb excess liquid. Refrigerate. Serve chilled. If thicker yogurt is preferred, empty the yogurt into a muslin bag and suspend to allow excess liquid to drain out.

    5. Yogurt can be served as a sauce over vegetables or rice, or as desired.

        This recipe can be divided successfully.

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