All Easy Recipes. Cook all that you can cook. Charcoal-Broiled T-Bone Or Porterhouse Steak
What You Need:            (Serving Size: 4 to 6)
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  • 3½- to 4-pound T-bone or porterhouse steak, cut 2 inches thick
  • Salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper

  • How To Cook:
    1. Light a 1- to 2-inch-thick layer of briquettes in a charcoal grill and let the coals burn until white ash appears on the surface.

    2. Broil the steak about 4 inches from the heat until it is done to suit your taste, turning it once with heavy tongs or with a kitchen fork inserted into the outer rim of fat.

    2. Broil it about 7 to 8 minutes on each side for rare steak, 9 to 10 minutes for medium,and 11 to 12 minutes on each side for well done.

    3. Transfer the steak to a heated platter, season it lightly with salt and a few grin dings of pepper, and serve at once.

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