What You Need:
(To Make: about 24 small pieces)
4 teaspoons ghee
1 quart milk
1 cup sugar
1 cup ground almonds, or 1 cup whole or slivered blanched almonds, pulverized in a blender or with a nut grinder
1 cup unsalted pistachios, pulverized in a blender or with a nut grinder
½ teaspoon almond extract
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How To Cook: |
1. With a pastry brush, spread 1 teaspoon of the ghee on a 7½ -inch pie tin. In a heavy 3- to 4-quart saucepan, bring the milk to a boil over high heat.
2. Reduce the heat to moderate and, stirring frequently, cook for about 35 minutes, or until the milk thickens to the consistency of heavy cream. Add the sugar and stir for 10 minutes.
3. Then add the ground almonds and pistachios and continue stirring 10 minutes longer. Still stirring, add 3 teaspoons of the ghee and cook for another 5 or 10 minutes, until the mixture is thick enough to draw away from the sides of the pan in a solid mass.
4. Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the almond extract. Pour the candy into the pie tin, spreading and smoothing it with a spatula. Let the candy cool for 30 minutes or so, then cut it into about 24 small squares or diamonds.
5. It will harden to the consistency of fudge as it cools further.