All Easy Recipes. Cook all that you can cook. Cafe Brulat
What You Need:            (To Serve: 6)
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  • The peel of 1 orange, cut into 1-by-1/8-inch strips
  • The peel of 1 lemon, cut into 1-by-1/8-inch strips
  • 3 sugar lumps
  • 6 whole cloves
  • A 2-inch cinnamon stick
  • 1 cup cognac
  • ½ cup curacao or other orange liqueur
  • 2 cups fresh strong black coffee, preferably made from dark roast Creole-style ground coffee

  • How To Cook:
    1. Assemble the ingredients for the "cafe brulot" at the dinner table and prepare it there in the following manner:

    2. Light the burner under a brulot bowl or chafing-dish pan and adjust the heat to low.

    3. Drop the orange and lemon peel, sugar lumps, cloves and cinnamon stick into the bowl or pan, pour in the cognac and curacao, and stir to dissolve the sugar.

    4. When the mixture is warm, ignite it with a match.

    5. Stirring gently, pour in the coffee in a slow, thin stream and continue to stir until the flames die.

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