All Easy Recipes. Cook all that you can cook. Mincemeat
What You Need:            (To Make: about 3 quarts)
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  • ½ pound fresh beef suet, chopped fine
  • 4 cups seedless raisins
  • 2 cups dried currants
  • 1 cup coarsely chopped almonds
  • ½ cup coarsely chopped candied citron
  • ½ cup coarsely chopped dried figs
  • ½ cup coarsely chopped candied orange peel
  • ¼ cup coarsely chopped candied lemon peel
  • 4 cups coarsely chopped, peeled and cored cooking apples
  • 1¼ cups sugar
  • 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1 teaspoon ground allspice
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon ground cloves
  • 2½ cups brandy
  • 1 cup pale dry sherry

  • How To Cook:
    1. Combine the suet, raisins, currants, almonds, citron, dried figs, candied orange peel, candied lemon peel, apples, sugar, nutmeg, allspice, cinnamon and cloves in a large mixing bowl and stir them together thoroughly.

    2. Pour in the brandy and sherry, and mix with a large wooden spoon until all the ingredients are well moistened. Cover the bowl and set the mincemeat aside in a cool place (not the refrigerator) for at least 3 weeks.

    3. Check the mincemeat once a week. As the liquid is absorbed by the fruit, replenish it with sherry and brandy, using about ¼ cup at a time.

    4. Mincemeat can be kept indefinitely in a covered container in a cool place, without refrigeration, but after a month or so you may refrigerate it if you like.

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