All Easy Recipes. Cook all that you can cook. Honey Rolls
Diples are a favorite teatime treat. The dough is rolled very thin, cut into small pieces, and fried in hot oil. As one's hand becomes more practiced, the diples can be tied in bow knots or rolled in fancy shapes. Diples are served with syrup, cinnamon, and finely chopped nuts.

What You Need:            (To Make: approximately 5 dozen rolls)
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  • 3 egg yolks
  • 3 whole eggs
  • 2 tablespoons fresh orange juice
  • 2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
  • 3 to 3½ cups all-purpose flour
  • Hot vegetable oil for frying, approximately 2 cups
  • Ground cinnamon for sprinkling
  • 2 cups chopped walnuts

  • 2 cups (1 pound) honey
  • ½ cup water

  • How To Cook:
    1. Beat egg yolks and eggs lightly. Add orange juice. Sift baking powder into 1 cup flour, add to mixture. Stir enough remaining flour into the eggs to make a soft dough.

    2. Turn dough out onto lightly floured board and knead with floured hands until smooth. Dough will be a little sticky. Keep kneading until dough blisters and forms bubbles when sliced with a knife, at least 10 minutes.

    3. Take a quarter of the dough at a time and roll out paper-thin on a heavily floured board. Cut into 4 by 6-inch strips. Fill a deep-frying pan with 2 inches oil; heat to 360°.

    4. Drop strips, one at a time, into hot oil; turn immediately, using two forks, and roll up into a cylinder. Remove from oil when golden. Drain on paper towels and cool.

    1. Combine honey and water in a large saucepan. Bring to a boil, and simmer 15 minutes.

    2. Skim off the froth. Keep warm. Dip cool rolls into hot syrup.

    3. Place on cake racks to drain, and sprinkle with cinnamon and chopped nuts.

        Store undipped honey rolls in an airtight container and refrigerate. Store unused syrup in refrigerator, too. Dip honey rolls in heated syrup as needed, and sprinkle with cinnamon and nuts.

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