What You Need:
(To Serve: 4)
3 sliced medium-size zucchini
1 can (1 pound) tomatoes
¼ cup minced onion
1 tablespoon butter
Salt and pepper to taste
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How To Cook: |
1. Cook the onion with the butter in a covered casserole in the microwave oven until tender (about 3 or 4 minutes).
2. Add the juice from the tomatoes and reduce by boiling, uncovered; in the microwave oven.
3. Add zucchini and cook until almost tender.
4. Add tomatoes, salt, and pepper, and cook, covered, until heated through.
Try substituting fresh tomatoes for the canned. Use about 3 to 4 medium-size tomatoes. Peel and chop them and add them in at the same time as the zucchini. Be careful not to overcook the vegetables; allow for the residual cooking that will take place.