All Easy Recipes. Cook all that you can cook. Fried Lentil Wafers
What You Need:            (To Make: 8)
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  • Peanut or com oil to fill an electric frying pan to a depth of 2 inches
  • 8 store-bought lentil wafers (puppadam) in assorted flavors: garlic, black pepper, cumin, and plain

  • How To Cook:
    1. Heat the oil to 375°F. Gently slide one wafer into the oil.

    2. Push the wafer down and swirl it around using tongs, pressing it gently to keep it submerged at all times during cooking.

    3. The wafer will turn light and fluffy and expand enormously in size (about 10 seconds).

    4. Remove and drain it on paper towels and continue with the remaining ones in the same way.

    5. When slightly cool, the puppadam will turn crisp.

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