All Easy Recipes. Cook all that you can cook. Lolo In Taro Leaves
This is an example of the dishes offered when chiefs gather together for discussions and when important personages are being entertained.

What You Need:           
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  • 6 ripe brown coconuts
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 large coarsely grated onion
  • 70 taro leaves
  • Breadfruit leaves
  • 1 thinly sliced lime or small lemon

  • How To Cook:
    1. From the 6 coconuts make about 12 breakfast cups of thick Lolo, using 1 breakfast cup of water to each coconut; squeeze through a cloth.

    2. Flavor the cream with the onion, lime slices, salt and pepper.

    3. Moisten 6 of the taro leaves and shape each into a cornet shape-like the old-fashioned grocer's bag.

    4. Fill each leaf with Lolo and fold over the pointed top to keep in the cream.

    5. Arrange all 6 on one of the breadfruit leaves, shiny side up.

    6. Make a round package, tucking the edge of the leaf in carefully and securing it with the stem pushed through the midrib.

    7. Repeat this process until all the leaves and coconut are used up.

    8. Bake the 'paulisami' for about 1 hour, or until tender.

    9. Sea water is often mixed with the coconut to vary the flavor.

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