All Easy Recipes. Cook all that you can cook. Poached Trout
What You Need:           
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  • Trout
  • Salted water

  • How To Cook:
    1. Prepare trout-fresh-water or sea-in the same way as salmon.

    2. The trout fisher-an expert on the subject-never washes the fish, as it is liable to become soft.

    3. Remove the head, draw out the entrails and use a long, thin knife to loosen the tissue covering the bone and sides of the belly.

    4. Clean, then dry well with absorbent paper.

    5. Stuff a clean piece of absorbent paper in the belly and let it remain until the fish is to be cooked.

    6. Barely cover the fish with hot (not boiling) salted water and simmer gently for 10 - 12 minutes.

    7. Serve with parsley butter, cooked potatoes and cucumber salad.

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