What You Need:
12 oz minced beef
3 oz diced pickled beetroot
1 finely chopped onion
1 teaspoon finely chopped parsley
2 tablespoons chopped capers
Salt and pepper
¼ cup single cream
2 egg yolks
6 oz mashed potatoes
Fat for frying
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How To Cook: |
1. Mix the very finely minced meats with the chopped onion, parsley and cream.
2. Add the potato, beetroot, capers, pepper and salt, then bind with beaten egg yolks.
3. Form into flat cakes, about ½ inch thick, and fry in the smoking hot fat until both sides are brown and crisp.
4. Serve with fried potatoes or salad, or place on toast, and top with a fried egg.